April 12th Minutes

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April 12, 2021 MINUTES



  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
  2. The Pledge of Allegiance took place.
  3. Roll Call was taken with Council Members Buford, Watkins Romero, Smith, Pepper & Barber present.

Council member Kurtz was excused. Also present were P. Malouff (TA), C. Karle (T), D. Sprosty (C)

Tony Moreland, Davida Morland & Pat Cole.

  1. The following additions/changes to the agenda were proposed: Change 13 & 12 in order and discuss water in 6.
  2. The Agenda was approved with changes via consent vote, 6 (Y), 0 (N). Romero (M), Pepper (S)
  3. The March 22, 2021 minutes were approved via consent vote, 6 (Y), 0 (N). Watkins (M), Pepper (S)
  4. Public Comment: (those individuals interested in speaking, please sign in at the beginning of the meeting. Comments are restricted to five minutes per person.
    1. Tony & Davida Moreland, Pat Cole brought request for permission to use the park for a first responder appreciation day. The council informed the group that a First Responder night this fall was being coordinated with the school. It would be held at a home football game with a meal and a halftime activity to honor them. The only think lacking was a final date and final approval from the four town councils. The council also advised the group that they could use the park like anybody else. Their request was approved via consent vote, 6 (Y), 0 (N), Romero (M), Watkins (S)
  5. Old Business-
  6. At this date no trash bids have been turned in. Deadline is approaching.
  7. The Twin Lakes Water Contracts are completed.
  8. The tree installation project has been completed.
  9. Discussion took place on the electrical franchise agreement which ends in March of 2022.

  1. Public Information Officer-None

  1. New Business
  1. Clerk Desiree Sprosty gave the council updates and requested approval on the following items.
    1. The SIPA/WIX town website changeover is in progress and the town will be under the State portal authority.
    2. Clean Up Days are scheduled for May14, 15 &16.
    3. The council voted to open the splash park with the Crowley County schools being scheduled first was approved via consent vote, 6 (Y), 0 (N), Romero (M), Watkins (S)
    1. The dog at large problem was discussed.
    2. The council voted to open the old town hall for rentals via consent vote, 6 (V), 0 (N), Romero (M), Watkins (S)

  1. Treasure Cindy Karle gave the council updates and requested approval  on  the following:  1.. There were no purchases needing approval
  1. The log of bills paid was reviewed.
  2. She was able to find some assistance to aid with the cemetery plot need.
  1. Other
    1. The Arkansas River Basin Board was discussed and the municipal position on it.
    2. There was a discussion about a town/private citizen partnership. As per policy, the town declined.

                              3. The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program funds were discussed.

  1. Maintenance:
  1. Drinking Water Consumer Confidence report timetable was given
  2. Mr. Buford gave an update with the communication with Environmental Protection Agency and their timetable on assisting the town of Ordway. Mr. Buford made a motion to add the following addresses to the list of homes to be processed through the courts for condemnation, 305,316,317 Arkansas, 215 E. 4th, 448 E. 3rd, 205 E. 2nd, 208 Lake, 208 Short, 416 Idaho, Parcel 10100334, 10100333. Watkins (S). Passed via Roll Call Vote 6-0.

*13. Personnel

A. The leave policy was discussed and following some information provided by Town attorney Malouff, the council voted via  consent vote, 6 (Y),  O (N), Smith (M), Romero (S).

  1. Executive Session- Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4), executive session may be entered into for the purpose of discussing personnel, property, legal advice, matters to be kept confidential by law, security, and negotiations. The council voted 6-0 to go into executive session at 7:15 pm.

Pepper (M), Smith (S)

  1. Next meeting is on April 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Water system workshop with Sugar City on Saturday, April 24.

  1. Adjournment took place at 7:18 pm.

The following information was made available to the public.

*Community participation information is at bottom of the agenda. Due to COVID-19, there will not be any scheduled citizen attendance.

The following Call in or log in information was provided for attendance.

Town Council Regular Meeting Mon, Apr 12, 2021 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (MDT) Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/787631909 Access Code: 787-631-909

You can  also dial  in  using  your phone.  (For supported  devices,  tap a one-touch  number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 - One-touch: tel:+1408650312311787631909# Access Code: 787-631-909

  Archived Minutes  Link to April 12th Minutes

  Link to Goto Meeting